Saturday, January 10, 2009

10 Blogs which will move You to be a higher-quality Person

Every human being needs a slight help sometimes in getting motivated, feeling happy or just getting those creative juices flowing. Luckily, the INTERNET is full of places to find inspiration. These blogs can help you get moving towards your goals, whether you want to give back more to the community, feel better about yourself, or just get in high profile.
Must Reads
These blogs are must-reads for anyone looking to get inspired. You’ll find everything from personal development tips to ways to be happier.
1.Change Your Thoughts: If you’re looking to make a positive change in your life this blog has plenty to offer to you. Blogger Steven Aitchison gives some great tips on everything from finances to spiritual well-being.
Goals and Dreams
Do you have a personal goal that you haven’t found a way to achieve yet? These blogs can help get you started on working towards that goal with some inspirational tips and suggestions.
2 Dream Manifesto: Check out this site to find a great collection of articles that can help you come up with creative ways to achieve your dreams in your career or your personal life.
Most of us spend a good portion of our waking hours as work, so it’s important that those hours are spent doing something that makes us happy, not miserable. These blogs can provide some advice on turning your job into something more rewarding.
3.All Things Workplace: Get some tips on standing out in your office, making things run more smoothly and much more in this blog totally dedicated to work issues.
Personal Development
If you’re looking for a little extra motivation or guidance, check out these blogs designed to help you be better at being you.
4. LiteMind: Blogger Luciano Passuello believes that our minds are the greatest tools we have to accomplishing anything and his blog is full of tips to help you make the most of your brain power to get the things you want out of life.
Being Happy
At the end of the day, all that really matters is your happiness. These blogs can give you some guidance on finding that happiness and keeping it even when things are tough.
5a.Self-Help Happiness Blog: Want to be happy? This blog provides the means for you to do it yourself, with quotes, tips and inspirational stories to get you started.
5b.Money and Happiness: Money is often a source of stress, especially if you don’t have nearly enough of it to go around. This blog can help you learn to work towards financial happiness and let your finances stop ruling your life.
Giving Back
One way to feel good and to help others to feel good as well is by giving back to your community. These blogs provide inspirational stories and information that can help you find new and inspiring ways to live with purpose.
6.Let’s Do Something Good: Help counteract all the negative things in the world by putting a little good out there. This blogger explains small things you can do to make the world a little better each day.
Embracing the Spiritual
Whether you want to get in touch with God or just want to find some inner peace, these blogs are geared towards helping you get in touch with your spiritual side.
7.The Sacred Path: Those with an interest in shamanism may find this blog particularly inspirational. Blogger Richard shares his spiritual journey on the site and provides numerous other helpful resources for those still in search of spiritual inspiration.
Simplifying Life
Free your mind, and your space, of all that clutter. These blogs can help show you the way to a happier, simpler and even greener life.
8.I’m an Organizing Junkie: Take some advice from this blogger on how to get rid of your clutter and make your home a more organized, peaceful place.
Control Your Money
Money can be a big source of unhappiness both for you as the individual and in your relationships. These blogs can help give you advice on bringing your finances under control to make you happier and healthier.
9a.DoshDosh: If you don’t have the time to get a second job but want to make some money on the side you can get some help from this blog. You’ll find loads of tips to help you make money on the net through blogging and other online ventures.
9b.I Will Teach You to be Rich: Ramit Sethi provides advice on topics like saving, productivity, personal finance and more on this popular and well-written blog.
9c.Get Rich Slowly: This blog won’t help you to get rich overnight but it can teach you a few things that will assist you in getting your finances under control for the long haul.
Healthy Mind and Body
Whether you need to work on your mental health or just want to be better at remembering important dates, these blogs have something inspirational to offer.
10a.Mind Hacks: Based on a book of the same name, this blog is full of neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what’s going on inside your brain.
Healthy Body
If you want to squeeze into those skinny jeans or just feel better about your health but haven’t found the motivation to get you started, check out these blogs. You’ll find all kinds of inspirational stories and advice that will give you a jump start on getting fit and feeling good.
10b.Inspired: Dr. Hannah Albert is a doctor that specializes in homeopathic care. Her blog is full of tips on how to use natural methods to improve your overall health and well being.
10c.Run to Win: Runners out there will appreciate this motivational blog. You’ll get tips and news about all kinds of topics that can help make you a better and more successful marathon runner.
10d.Ultimate Health and Conditioning: Ready for a challenge? This blog can provide you with the information you need to start a fulfilling fitness program and get your squishier parts in shape.
If you enjoyed this post, you are more than welcome to boast comment.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for mentioning All Things Workplace as a resource; I am honored.

Best wishes for continued growth on your blog!

Mukul said...

Dear Steveroesler! Sir,Thanking you once again-


Rishabh Kaul said...


Hi. I am working with Ramit of I will teach you to be Rich and directed me to your site and was really happy that you linked back to him. He wanted to share a couple of things with you including a personal video he's made. Could you mail me back so that I could give you the link (it's password protected).
