Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blog - What is ?

What Is A Blog. Before you can actually earn money by blogging, you will need to understand
On what a blog is all about and what kind of website a blog really is. If you don’t understand the key elements of why people create a blog, you will faced difficulty in making money from blogging.

A blog is a website in which an individual will post regular entries of comments,events that he have went through, experiences or even review of a website andproduct. Entries by the individual are posted in reverse chronological order which makes it easy for readers to check for updates on any content.

I separate blogs into 2 categories –Personal blog (or also known as online diary) and Corporate blog.
Personal blogs are blog in which individual share their daily experiences onactivities that happen for that day. These blogs are usually not interested in making money online with their blog as it is meant to keep track of their daily life and share it with their friends and families.

On the other hand, corporate blogs are blog in which individual or organization set up to promote knowledge of certain niche, to sell products and at the same time build rapport with their database of customers.
Blogging has become more and more popular these days and many organizationshave use blogs as a platform of communication with their customers as well. Theyhave also been using blog to update on the latest happenings or products to sell totheir customers.

If you are thinking whether are you still in time to start making money onblogging, hesitate no more because there are still a lot of potential in makingmoney online with blogging.

1 comment:

Nadim said...

This is so short-we need to know details,how to do it.