Saturday, October 4, 2008

Learn to love


You’re here to learn to love, that’s what love is all about.
You’re here to learn to love, so you should never doubt.
All your dreams are possible, all your thoughts are real.
You’re born to learn the lessons that the mind will soon reveal.

When you learn to love, you create such magic dreams.
When you learn to love, you’ll discover wondrous schemes,
Ways to achieve the possible, ways to achieve your aims,
The universe can give you all you wish for, all you claim.

When you really learn to love, you’ll discover magic powers,
Ways to live a life that’s full with many happy hours.Everything you long for will surely come your way,
For love just guarantees success for each and every day.

Go share your love with everyone. It’s free , it can’t be bought.
It’s only when you give it that its value will be sought
By those who never had it, till you gave them some to share.
And then your love will blossom as your gift grows everywhere.

So learn to love your neighbours, love everyone you meet.
The human race is precious, creation’s greatest feat.
Do not be judgemental, you’re here to learn it’s true
That love’s the only power that can ever conquer you.

Life’s much easier when you work
together with others to achieve
a common goal.